An unusual feature of our region is the creation during the summer months of numerous river (fluvial) beaches by the local authorities. There are any number of places along the river Ceira (running along the bottom of the property boundary) where you can find a way into the water, and everyone has their own favourites.
These often consist of a raised rock platform in the middle of a river below a weir, to form a temporary island linked by two wooden footbridges.
Soft sand is then brought in to cover the new feature and an artificial ‘beach’ may be added on the shore for good measure. Showers, BBQs, café-bars, life-guards, local artworks and even canoes supplement the ones nearer villages. Away from habitation, the simpler beaches are virtually deserted during the week.
If you arrive in the region during the hot summer months, the lure of the rivers will probably prove irresistible. The water is so clean, so clear, and so cool – what better way to refresh yourself than by taking a dip? (or at least dipping in a toe…)